Work on Sea working for Company: RADLEY Ireland – ELI
LILLY Kinsale

instaling tools
-fabrication and mounting of flange pipes spools according iso
-mounting flange spools on position whkt flange protocol
-working whit 2” and 3” carbon pipe
-modification on position of inox pipes ¾
-instaling instrumentation on diferent vassels according isso
-instaling pipe brakets and modify if needed
-instaling hastelite inox pipe theat reaquire slope of min 0.60
-instalimg safty valves on tools and various ball valves abs check
valves activities starts from pipe fitter, locksmith mechanic, pipe
fitting, locksmith activities
– I fitted pipe from 3 | 4 inch to 30 inch
– I cut, clean and measure pipe before the welding of metals process
– As a mechanic i repair valves from 1 | 2 to 30 inches, hydrants, fuel