Lukoil Ploiesti
Work on Sea Crewin Agency
– activities starts from pipe fitters, locksmiths mechanic, pipe
fittings, locksmiths activities
– I fitted pipe from 3 | 4 inch to 30 inch
– I cut, clean and measure pipe before the welding of metals process
– As a mechanic i repair valves from 1 | 2 to 30 inches, hydrants, fuel
– Pipe fitter in stainless steel pipe, carbon.
.large rotating equipment installation such as the Primary Heat
Transport pumps and motors, Moderator Feed and Bleed pump, Moderator
motors, Shut-Down Cooling Motors;
– static equipment installation (tanks, heat exchangers, ion exchangers,
filters, etc.);
– specific equipment installation such as fuelling Machine Bridge,
Fuelling Machine bridge columns and fuelling Machine Installation.
In conclusions i made repair and maintenance tasks for refinery Lukoil